4 Unmissable Signs That Indicate an Overactive Bladder
Overactive bladder is a condition identified by the contraction of the urinary bladder wall muscles. These contractions are sudden and involuntary, and they often cause a urinary emergency. Thankfully, the tell-tell signs of an overactive bladder are not difficult to notice, which makes them easy to treat. Here are four unmissable warning signs of overactive bladder to facilitate early diagnosis and timely treatment: Reduced social interaction An overactive bladder does not only have physical effects but can also affect a person’s social life. People with this condition might be anxious about finding a bathroom all the time, and many avoid going out and socializing due to embarrassment. This cuts them out from their social circle, and it also takes a toll on mental health over time. Getting treatment for an overactive bladder can help reduce the symptoms and improve a patient’s quality of life. As part of the treatment, one can also incorporate certain lifestyle changes to help manage the symptoms effectively. Loss of sleep The frequency of bladder movements can tell a lot about a person’s bladder health. If one has to urinate more than twice during the night or more than eight times in a duration of 24 hours, it is one of the unmissable warning signs of an overactive bladder.
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